Tag: Disaster

Peter Weir

„I’m still amazed how you can put your pen down and think not a line can be changed… You’ve finally got it right. You pick it up ten days later, and it’s all so bad.” – Peter Weir Piknik pod Wiszącą Skałą („Picnic at Hanging Rock”, 1975)  5/5 Rok 1900 – podczas sielskiej wycieczki…
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17/10/2021 0

Robert Zemeckis

„No other contemporary director has used special effects to more dramatic and narrative purpose.” – David Thomson„Television saved my life.” – Robert Zemeckis Obecnie Robert Zemeckis znajduje się w moim rankingu reżyserów na miejscu #34 Top 1. Powrót do przyszłości – trylogia2. Lot3. Kto wrobił Królika Rogera4. Ekspres polarny5. Cast Away6. Forrest Gump7. Miłość, szmaragd…
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23/12/2018 0

Roland Emmerich

„I came to film school in 1977 when directors like Fassbinder and Wenders were everybody’s heroes. But it was also the time that Star Wars and Close Encounters came out, and these were the seminal movies for me. Everybody is always so careful about these things. I mean, I’m good friends with Wim Wenders, but…
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22/04/2018 1